- Guidelines and Norms for STDCs, in NTEP, Central TB Division, MoHFW, Government of India 2023
- Training Module On Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis Standard Treatment Workflow
[22155 KB]
- Guidance Document on Engagement of Family Caregiver for TB Patients
[24061 KB]
- Training Module on Extrapulmonary TB
[11151 KB]
- Guidance Document on Community Engagement under National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme
[15383 KB]
- Guidelines for Programmatic Management of Tuberculosis Preventive Treatment in India
[12633 KB]
- Guidelines for Programmatic Management of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis in India-2021
[47110 KB]
- Operational Guidelines for TB services at Health & Wellness Centres
[22142 KB]
- Guidelines for use of Delamanid for treatment of DR-TB in India
[3851 KB]
- Guidelines on HIV and TB interventions in Prisons and other closed settings – Reg
[4519 KB]
- National Framework for a Gender-Responsive approach to TB in India_311219
[2875 KB]
- National Strategic Plan 2017-2025 for TB Elimination in India
- Guideline for PMDT in India 2017
- Technical and Operational Guidelines for TB Control in India 2016
[3851 KB]
- Guidelines for Use of Bedaquiline in RNTCP PMDT in India
- Guidelines for Prevention and Management of Adverse Reaction associated to Anti TB drug
- Guidelines on Prevention and Management of Tb in PLHIV at ART Centres
[602 KB]
- GeneXpert SOP Xpert processing EPTB specimens
[136 KB]
- SOP for Extra Pulmonary TB
[301 KB]
- PMDT guideline
[7187 KB]
- RNTCP Lab Network Guidelines
[592 KB]
- SLD storage guidelines
[127 KB]
- Operational Handbook on Advocasy Communication and socila mobilization for RNTCP [7804 KB]