Vacancies Archives
- State Reports
- TB & Diabetes related links to important websites & resource materials
- TB & HIV
- TB & Nutrition
- TB & Tobacco
- TB Ads featuring Amitabh Bachchan
- NTEP Gender Responsive Framework_311219
[100 KB]
- TB and Comorbidities
- TB burden consensus
[100 KB]
- TB Free India Campaign
- TB & Diabetes
- TB Identity card
[48 KB]
- Supply Chain Management
- Status of ANTI TB Drugs
- STO Directory
- Street Play for Women in English
[141 KB]
- Street Plays / Nukkad Natak
- Subordinate Legislation
- Success Stories
- Supervision and Monitoring Strategy Document
[630 KB]
- TB India 2011
[13745 KB]
- TB Notification Amendment
[963 KB]
- TB Notification Order
[3238 KB]
- TB Posters in Regional Languages
- TB register [339 KB]
- TB Surveillance & Notification
- TB-HIV ARTC Standard Reporting format-STATE LEVEL
[33 KB]
- TB-HIV co-infection TVCs
- TB-HIV ICTC Standard Reporting format-STATE LEVEL
[270 KB]
- TB ki Kahani_Nukkad Natak in Hindi
[388 KB]
- TB India Report 2018
[5798 KB]
- TB India 2017
- TB India 2012
[9886 KB]
- TB India 2013
[10843 KB]
- TB India 2014
[4273 KB]
- TB India 2015
[8732 KB]
- TB India 2016
- TB India 2016_Part1
[4807 KB]
- TB India 2016_Part2
[5761 KB]
- TB India 2016_Part3
[4286 KB]
- TB-HIV Module for ART Centre Staff
[703 KB]
- Standards for TB Care in India
[863 KB]
- RNTCP Exhibition Panels_JPG files
[201 KB]
- Schemes & SOPs
- Selection of Sub-Recipients to Central TB Division under Global Fund Grant 2018-2020
[226 KB]
- Serology Ban 1
[506 KB]
- Serology Ban 2
[437 KB]
- Short Films About RNTCP_21 March 2016
- SLD storage guidelines
[127 KB]
- Social Action Plan
[734 KB]
- RTI Act for CTD
- Roll out of Direct Benefit transfers (DBT)
[5937 KB]
- RNTCP Lab Network Guidelines
[592 KB]
- RNTCP laboratory network:Overview
[317 KB]
- RNTCP Launches DOTS Plus treatment
[68 KB]
- NTEP Research Priorities
[267 KB]
- RNTCP response to MDR XDR
[304 KB]
- RNTCP-Minutes of National Meeting of Health Secretaries Neemrana
[48 KB]
- Roles and Responsibilities of Stakehloders
[149 KB]
- SOP for Extra Pulmonary TB
[301 KB]
- SOP for EPTB [90 KB]
- SSM2-SSSM1-Letter to states reg Local Proc of PC-5,6,33
[146 KB]
- SSM2-SSSM1-Letter to states reg proc of Levo-250 & 500mg
[137 KB]
- SSM3-SSSM1-Technical Specs 1st Line drugs [3578 KB]
- SSM3-SSSM1-Technical Specs MDR drugs [5035 KB]
- SSM3-SSSM1-Technical Specs XDR drugs [1698 KB]
- SSM4-List of Anti TB drugs
[18 KB]
- SSM5-Contact detail of consignees under RNTCP-GMSDs
[63 KB]
- SSM5-Contact detail of consignees under RNTCP-SDSs
[230 KB]
- SSM2-SSSM1-Letter to states for local Procur of PC-7,11,40
[139 KB]
[129 KB]
- SSM1-SSSM4-Guidelines for storage of 2nd line drugs
[46 KB]
- SOP for SDS
[1388 KB]
- SOPs on PMDT
- specifications of RIFABUTIN CAPSULES 150mg
[8 KB]
- SSM1-SSSM1-RNTCP Procurement Plan 2014-15 through RITES
[57 KB]
- SSM1-SSSM1-RNTCP Procurement Plan 2nd Line through GDF(1st Tr)
[635 KB]
- SSM1-SSSM1-RNTCP Procurement Plan 2nd Line through GDF(2nd Tr)
[2433 KB]
- SSM1-SSSM1-SOP Manual for State Drug Stores
[1388 KB]
- SSM1-SSSM3-Training Manual
[172 KB]
- standard operating procedures for C&DST labs
[1294 KB]
- TOR for appointment of HR
- Training modules
- Trainings in PMDT
- Treatment card
[72 KB]
- TV Spots / TVCs
- TVCs- HINDI Adhuri Jankari
- Universal Access to TB Care
- Vehicle hiring tender 16-17
[782 KB]
- Training Materials on TB-HIV
- Training Materials on TB & Diabetes
- Training Materials on Research
- TOR RNTCP positions
[396 KB]
- TORs & other details for the Post of Consultant (Finance) for RNTCP
[110 KB]
- TORs for Engagement on Five positions
[233 KB]
- Training Manual for Community Pharmacists
[3857 KB]
- Training manual M tuberculosis C DST
[679 KB]
- Training Materials on Basic-TB
- Training Materials on Laboratories & Diagnostics
- Walk in Interview for Procurement & Supply Chain Management Consultant
[439 KB]
- Web Information Manager
- Year 2010
- Year 2011
- Year 2012
- Year 2013
- Year 2014
- Zone wise list of research
[461 KB]
- Zone wise State OR committee members
[642 KB]
- ZTF East 2015
[16 KB]
- Year 2009
- Year 2008
- Year 2007
- Website Policies
- World TB Day 2017
- Year 2001
- Year 2002
- Year 2003
- Year 2004
- Year 2005
- Year 2006
- ZTF North 2015
[17 KB]
- TOG-Chapter 5-TB co-morbidities Part 2
[2415 KB]
- TB-HIV related links to important websites & resource materials
- Technical-Specifications-of-Drugs-for-treatment-of-XDR-TB
[38 KB]
- Tender for Printing of Ni-kshay Patrika for RNTCP
[1908 KB]
- Terms & condition
[3238 KB]
- The Fighter
- TOG Chapter 1 Introduction
[6049 KB]
- TOG Annexure 1 to Annexure 5
[1944 KB]
- TOG Annexure 12 to Annexure 14
[2536 KB]
- Technical Specifications on TB-HIV
- Technical specifications on Laboratories & Diagnostics
- Technical Specifications of Laboratory Consumables required for IRLs
[16 KB]
- TBINDIA 2014
[4172 KB]
- TBINDIA Report
- Technical and Operational Guidelines for TB Control in India 2016
- Technical Specifications
- Technical Specifications & Quantity of Equipment for Culture Sensitivity for IRLs
[87 KB]
- Technical Specifications for the ECG Machines
[339 KB]
- Technical Specifications of Laboratory Consumables required for DMCs
[11 KB]A
- TOG Annexure 16 to Annexure 21 with ppendix
[3030 KB]
- TOG Annexure 6 to Annexure 11
[5848 KB]
- TOG-Chapter 15- Research
[1754 KB]
- TOG-Chapter 16-Disaster Management and TB
[1636 KB]
- TOG-Chapter 17- Infection Control Measures
[2493 KB]
- TOG-Chapter 3-Case finding & diagnosis strategy
[9834 KB]
- TOG-Chapter 4-Treatment of TB
- TOG-Chapter 4-Treatment of TB Part 1
[3274 KB]
- TOG-Chapter 4-Treatment of TB Part 2
[4953 KB]
- TOG-Chapter 5-TB co-morbidities
- TOG-Chapter 14-Partnerships
[2656 KB]
- TOG-Chapter 13-Advocacy Communication and Social Mobilization
[2555 KB]
- TOG-Chapter 11-Project Implementation Plan and Planning Process
[2003 KB]
- TOG Chapter 10 Surveillance
[2717 KB]
- TOG Chapter 12 Financial Management
[3056 KB]
- TOG Chapter 2 Health System Structure and functions for delivery of TB care
[5542 KB]
- TOG Chapter 6 Human Resource Management
[2950 KB]
- TOG Chapter 7 Procurement and Supply Chain Management
[4547 KB]
- TOG Chapter 8 Recording and Reporting
[4019 KB]
- TOG Chapter 9 Supervision, Monitoring and Evaluation
[5453 KB]
- TOG-Annexure 15 Complete (From 15 A to 15 L)
[4156 KB]
- TOG-Chapter 5-TB co-morbidities Part 1
[2768 KB]
- RNTCP AVs _Long version
- 4th Quarter 2011
[2021 KB]
- JMM Report 2003
[587 KB]
- JRM 2014
[412 KB]
- Meeting of National Standing Committee 8th Feb 2012
[2531 KB]
- Minutes and Recommendations of NTF 2002
[45 KB]
- Minutes and Recommendations of NTF 2003
[38 KB]
- Minutes and Recommendations of NTF 2004
[147 KB]
- Minutes and Recommendations of NTF 2005
[48 KB]
- Minutes and Recommendations of NTF 2006
[148 KB]
- JMM Report 2009
[2034 KB]
- JMM Report 2006
[764 KB]
- JMM Report 2012
[1301 KB]
- Annex II and III for Printing TB India 2016 Poster and eBook
[214 KB]
- Annual Action Plan Formats
- Annual Reports
- Anti TB Drugs
- Anti TB Drugs availability related information
- DOTS_Plus_Guidelines_Jan2010
[573 KB]
- Final Report of NAIC Workshop – October 2009
[116 KB]
- guidelinesSTDC2003
[72 KB]
- Minutes and Recommendations of NTF 2007
[70 KB]
- Minutes and Recommendations of NTF 2008
[209 KB]
- Minutes of the first NAICC meeting held on 18-19th Sept 2008
[52 KB]
- Minutes of the Meeting on Intensified Monitoring of 25 sel
[72 KB]
- Minutes of the second NAICC meeting held on 19th Sept 2009
[57 KB]
- Module for Laboratory Technician version 2005
[874 KB]
- NTF Consensus Statement
[6 KB]
- NTWG Meetings
- NTWG minutes 220307
[15 KB]
- NTWG minutes 060409
[47 KB]
- Minutes of Second meeting of NEC
[681 KB]
- Minutes of NTF 2013
[5300 KB]
- Minutes of National DOTs Plus committee meeting July 2011
[2433 KB]
- Minutes and Recommendations of NTF 2009
[85 KB]
- Minutes and Recommendations of NTF 2010 [198 KB]
- Minutes of 15th Lab comm meeting oct 08(1)
[167 KB]
- Minutes of 3rd NAICC Meeting – 241209
[37 KB]
- Minutes of National DOTs Plus committee meeting Apr 2005
[165 KB]
- Minutes of National DOTs Plus committee meeting Jan 2006
[131 KB]
- Minutes of National DOTs Plus committee meeting Jan 2008
[199 KB]
- Minutes of National DOTs Plus committee meeting July 2009
[635 KB]
- NTWG minutes 081009
[47 KB]
- 4th Quarter 2010
[1701 KB]
- 1st Quarter 2001
[67 KB]
- 2nd Quarter 2002
[1504 KB]
- 2nd Quarter 2003
[351 KB]
- 2nd Quarter 2004
[916 KB]
- 2nd Quarter 2005
[908 KB]
- 2nd Quarter 2006
[1111 KB]
- 2nd Quarter 2007
[832 KB]
- 2nd Quarter 2008
[1559 KB]
- 2nd Quarter 2009
[1314 KB]
- 2nd Quarter 2001
[66 KB]
- 1st Quarter 2011
[1395 KB]
- 1st Quarter 2010
[1939 KB]
- 1st Quarter 2002
[821 KB]
- 1st Quarter 2003
[855 KB]
- 1st Quarter 2004
[1139 KB]
- 1st Quarter 2005
[924 KB]
- 1st Quarter 2006
[1470 KB]
- 1st Quarter 2007
[856 KB]
- 1st Quarter 2008
[1023 KB]
- 1st Quarter 2009
[1570 KB]
- 2nd Quarter 2010
[2256 KB]
- 2nd Quarter 2011
[1672 KB]
- 4th Quarter 2001
[441 KB]
- 4th Quarter 2002
[747 KB]
- 4th Quarter 2003
[1462 KB]
- 4th Quarter 2004
[795 KB]
- 4th Quarter 2005
[947 KB]
- 4th Quarter 2006
[1256 KB]
- 4th Quarter 2007
[815 KB]
- 4th Quarter 2008
[1679 KB]
- 3rd Quarter 2011
[2201 KB]
- 3rd Quarter 2010
[2255 KB]
- 3rd Quarter 2009
[1085 KB]
- 3rd Quarter 2001
[393 KB]
- 3rd Quarter 2002
[494 KB]
- 3rd Quarter 2003
[321 KB]
- 3rd Quarter 2004
[1005 KB]
- 3rd Quarter 2005
[1014 KB]
- 3rd Quarter 2006
[921 KB]
- 3rd Quarter 2007
[865 KB]
- 3rd Quarter 2008
[1808 KB]
- 4th Quarter 2009
[1251 KB]
- Public Private Partnership
- Recording Formats on TB-HIV
- Recruitment of 13 Technical Consultant in Central TB Division under RNTCP on contractual basis
[311 KB]
[59 KB]
[48 KB]
- Release of Drugs to States
- Report
[45 KB]
- Report of National Consultation on diagnosis and treatment of Pediatric TB
[755 KB]
- Report of the First National Anti TB Drug Resistance Survey
[5319 KB]
- Recording Formats on TB & Diabetes
- Recording and reporting for laboratory performance
[17 KB]
- Re-Bid – EOI for Printing of TB India-2018 & Wall Poster
[1225 KB]
- Publications on TB & Diabetes
- Publications on TB-HIV
- Quarterly Reporting Format on Case Finding
[98 KB]
- Quarterly Reporting Format on Result of Treatment
[138 KB]
- Quarterly Reporting Format on Sputum Conversion
[44 KB]
- Quarterly Reports
- Quarterly Returns on RTI
- Radio Spots
- JMM Report 2015 [191141 KB]
- Report on DST Guided Treatment
[3048 KB]
- RNTCP annual status report 2002
[2949 KB]
- RNTCP annual status report 2003
[3550 KB]
- RNTCP annual status report 2004
[953 KB]
- RNTCP annual status report 2005
[1953 KB]
- RNTCP annual status report 2006
[1948 KB]
- RNTCP annual status report 2007
[2998 KB]
- RNTCP annual status report 2008
[2504 KB]
- RNTCP annual status report 2009
[4074 KB]
- RNTCP annual status report 2001
[994 KB]
- Revised TU PMR reporting format
[150 KB]
- Revised State PMR reporting format
[166 KB]
- Reports of commissioned Research
- Request for Financial BID invited from HR empaneled agencies for contractual HR recruitment for National TB Prevalence survey
[1143 KB]
- Research
- Research related links to important websites & resource materials
- Resource Center
- Revised CIE formats [201 KB]
- Revised District PMR reporting format
[169 KB]
- Revised PHI Monthly PMR reporting format
[105 KB]
- RNTCP annual status report 2010
[7570 KB]
- Procurement Plan
- NTWG minutes 100507
[39 KB]
- Operational Handbook on Advocasy Communication and socila mobilization for RNTCP [7804 KB]
- Other Downloadable Documents
- Other meeting minutes
- Other Monitoring Mission Reports
- Other Reports
- Panchayati Raj_street play in Hindi
[376 KB]
- Pediatric TB
- Nutrition support DBT Training Flyers
[654 KB]
- Nutrition support DBT Scheme details
[240 KB]
- NTWG minutes 270207
[22 KB]
- NTWG minutes 170107
[19 KB]
- NTWG minutes 190712
[65 KB]
- NTWG minutes 201108
[19 KB]
- NTWG minutes 210411
[74 KB]
- NTWG minutes 230310
[52 KB]
- NTWG minutes 230508
[18 KB]
- NTWG minutes 231211
[82 KB]
- NTWG minutes 250807
[16 KB]
- Pediatrics TB
- Performance Reports
- Posters
- Posters featuring Amitabh Bachchan
- PPM Updates
- Press Release on Bedaquiline
[328 KB]
- Printing of RNTCP Quarterly newsletter
- Procurement
- Poster Hindi New (7)
- Poster
- PMDT Treatment Services
- Permission for Local Procurement of PC 23
[429 KB]
- Permission for local procurement of PC 40
[352 KB]
- Permission for Local Proucrement of Loose Drugs
[419 KB]
- Photo Gallery
- PMDT guideline
[7187 KB]
- PMDT Training Calendars
- PMDT Training Modules
- Procurement & Supply Chain Management