Technical and Operational Guidelines for TB Control in India 2016
Technical and Operational Guidelines for TB Control in India 2016 (Download Full Document)
- TOG Chapter 1 Introduction
[6049 KB]
- TOG-Annexure 15 Complete (From 15 A to 15 L)
[4156 KB]
- TOG-Chapter 11-Project Implementation Plan and Planning Process
[2003 KB]
- TOG-Chapter 13-Advocacy Communication and Social Mobilization
[2555 KB]
- TOG-Chapter 14-Partnerships
[2656 KB]
- TOG-Chapter 15- Research
[1754 KB]
- TOG-Chapter 16-Disaster Management and TB
[1636 KB]
- TOG-Chapter 17- Infection Control Measures
[2493 KB]
- TOG-Chapter 3-Case finding & diagnosis strategy
[9834 KB]
- TOG-Chapter 4-Treatment of TB
- TOG Chapter 9 Supervision, Monitoring and Evaluation
[5453 KB]
- TOG Chapter 8 Recording and Reporting
[4019 KB]
- TOG Annexure 1 to Annexure 5
[1944 KB]
- TOG Annexure 12 to Annexure 14
[2536 KB]
- TOG Annexure 16 to Annexure 21 with Appendix
[3030 KB]
- TOG Annexure 6 to Annexure 11
[5848 KB]
- TOG Chapter 10 Surveillance
[2717 KB]
- TOG Chapter 12 Financial Management
[3056 KB]
- TOG Chapter 2 Health System Structure and functions for delivery of TB care
[5542 KB]
- TOG Chapter 6 Human Resource Management
[2950 KB]
- TOG Chapter 7 Procurement and Supply Chain Management
[4547 KB]
- TOG-Chapter 5-TB co-morbidities